Thursday, August 27, 2009

impulses of the central nervous system

The formed plaques can be flat or convex. in a vessel gleam, atherosclerosis plaques narrow and complicate a blood-groove. The arteries amazed with an atherosclerosis are condensed and lose elasticity peculiar to them. It leads to that such arteries cannot extend and be narrowed to adequately functional requirements of bodies and fabrics.
Moreover, if the artery amazed with an atherosclerosis also was narrowed under the influence of impulses of the central nervous system after the termination of a stream of these impulses it because of elasticity loss comes back to a former condition hardly.

Giving a due credit

In November, 1985 100 years from the date of N.N.Anichkova's birth were executed. The Scientific community of all world has celebrated this date and on advantage has estimated N.N.Anichkova's big contribution and its schools in the doctrine about an atherosclerosis.
N.N.Anichkov has shown that an atherosclerosis - the isolated illness, instead of a consequence of aging of an organism as some scientists represented. N.N.Anichkov and its employees have established that at an atherosclerosis the internal cover of arteries (intim) first of all is surprised. Owing to penetration from blood plasma in an intim and accumulation in it of cholesterol and others lipids.

Monday, August 17, 2009

enjoyed tremendous consumer demand

Now there are many products on the package which is written in large letters, «without preservatives», «without flavorings» or «no dyes». Typically, the goods with such characteristics enjoyed tremendous consumer demand, and it is not surprising: anyone who cares a little about your health, prefers to go without «chemistry».

For food additives are regarded with suspicion. These substances are considered questionable, even harmful and dangerous. Nevertheless, no modern man can not avoid their use in the daily diet.

The most common food additives - preservatives, preventing food from rotting. First, for these purposes, use salt, sugar and vinegar. During the long years ahead of the three cooks spices, but with the advent of the twentieth century the situation radically changed. Legkoportyaschihsya a lot of products that had to be transported over long distances. Manufacturers have been hard to think about how to increase the shelf life of foods. The matter was so urgent that large companies have begun to spend millions on developing and testing new kinds of preservatives. Efforts by food are not lost in vain - to date, complete list of these substances involves a little less than a hundred titles. Untutored people just surprised such a diversity, which nevertheless is quite justified: a substance used for preserving meat, while others - for fish or vegetables, the third - to the sour-milk products.

Extend periods of storage products and other supplements - antioxidants. These substances do not prevent the reproduction of bacteria and fungi, but they would prevent samookislenie food. Everyone knows that the food in the air begins to rapidly deteriorate. To ensure that this does not happen, in the mid 60-ies in the food started to add antioxidants to protect fats and oils from rancidity, fruit - from the appearance of dark spots, wine and beer - from zamutneniya.

Just for other purposes are emulsifiers. These compounds maintain the homogeneity of the food mass, consisting of a totally mixed phases. Take, for example, water and oil. No special additives are never mixed up with each other. Adding emulsifier puts all its sites: Food Components «glue together», and water-fat solution is homogenous. It is due to emulsifier margarine, mayonnaise, ketchup and ice cream are smooth and uniform consistency. Otherwise, they would resemble the structure of layer-cake.

characteristic of the disease breast cancer?

- The most common disease - it mastopathy - diffuse and nodes, which occurs in women aged 30-50 years, fibroadenoma. There are vnutriprotokovye papillomavirus, which are the indication for surgical treatment, as reborn in cancer. In addition, common diseases include mastitis. It happens not only in lactating women, you may receive from the draft, hypothermia. By diseases include breast cancer and mastitopodobnaya. Finally, the worst disease - breast cancer.

- How often a disease?

- When good mastopathy main complaint - that the pain, she leads a woman to receive a doctor. But while breast cancer does not hurt. Attention should be given to changing the color on a small section of the breast - redness or lividity, asymmetries, change the size of one of the glands, occurring in a short period of time - 2-3 months. Signs of the disease is a deformation of gland, presence of bulging or indrawing in a limited area, changing the shape space indrawing or reject the nipple, the pitting, the emergence of a small nodule in the gland, close to the touch, more smooth, with uneven surface and the gradual transition into the surrounding tissue of the gland , seal in the form of lemon peel, blood separated from the nipple.

method of treatment for hypothyroidism

The first method of treatment of Graves disease - Graves - therapy drugs, the overwhelming feature thyroid problems. Apply it with a slight increase over a half or two years. If, after the abolition of drug levels of hormones is restored, you will only occasionally checked in endocrinology. If the disease did not retreat, need an operation to remove thyroid problems (left only two small strips on the sides), as well as in the case of nodular goiter, which units - a tumor on schitovidke - more than 3 cm, or if the iron is increased uniformly, but strongly . If the level of hormones to recover or be below the norm, you will either leave or appoint replacement therapy.

But after the operation may return the disease. Then the remnants of gland handled radioactive iodine to destroy them completely.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

destructive drive is an ever-ready force

Hypothyroidism Treatment : the destructive drive is an ever-ready force lurking in the uncon­scious mind. When we cease to release our creative energies, when we are blocked or caught in the toils of emotional conflict—then the de­structive force can become an active threat to our health.
But if it is unconscious and inaccessible to reason, then how can the average man and woman recognize it? Is there any way to detect this danger to our health? Can we prevent illness?
Once we accept the fact that man wages war not only against others but also against himself, once we begin to look for the signs of this in­ner war, then we can find them. We can say with conviction that ill­ness does not come as a bolt out of the blue, a visitation without warn­ing. Even a heart attack sends its messages before, if we can only read them.
We moderns find these warnings difficult to read because we tend to think in mechanistic terms. We are accustomed to dials and indica­tors. For example, a man came to me recently, shaken by a friend's sudden death from a heart attack. What upset him most was that his friend had had an electrocardiogram taken only a few days before, and I he findings had been negative.
"Now we can't rely on anything!" my visitor protested.
Many of the warning signals are subjective and do not register on dials, and therefore we ignore them as a passing depression, or as hypochondria. Let the mercury in the doctor's blood-pressure machine climb, and we pay attention. But when our inner feelings warn us that ill I is not well, that we have lost our capacity for enjoying ourselves and (hat life seems hopeless, we reject these warnings too readily as insignifi­cant changes of mood. We are almost too well educated in the scientific method. If a symptom does not meet the rigid standards of science we dismiss it entirely.
But what we thus dismiss may be an inner perception of danger. Why, for example, did this man's friend go to have an electrocardiogram i.iken? Had he perhaps caught the whisper of his will to live being at­tacked? Most of our actions are instigated by some inner motive.

Inner fear may be turned outward

Hypothyroidism Treatment : Inner fear may be turned outward and fixed on some external object or condition; we call this a phobia. We speak of acrophobia, the fear of heights; agoraphobia, the fear of open spaces, and claustrophobia, the fear of closed spaces; astrophobia, fear of thunder and lightning; dromophobia, fear of crossing streets; cynophobia, fear of dogs and rabies, and even triskaidekaphobia, fear of the number thirteen. This list could go on and on; the unconscious mind seems endlessly imagina­tive, and human beings in trouble find any number of outward causes, relevant and irrelevant, on which to fix their fears, including phobo-phobia, the fear of fear itself.
A real phobia is a sign of deep disturbance, and most of us settle for less. But we do externalize our inner anxiety; we do fix it on trivial causes. We worry about a business appointment the next day, or a dinner menu, or next month's bills (or perhaps last month's bills). We worry about anything, and then we worry about losing sleep worrying. The worry habit is definitely a sign of anxiety, and it is destructive.

in their primitive paradise

Hypothyroidism Treatment : A newspaper story of the late 1920's told of a young man and his wife who had decided to renounce civilization and were going to live on a romantic Pacific island. Before they went, however, both these young people had all their teeth pulled and dentures made, to be sure they would be safe from "focal infection" in their primitive paradise.
Today it is once more fashionable to wear your tonsils, but funda­mentally little has changed. Instead of tonsils, the scalpels of today are harvesting gall bladders, fibroid tumors, sections of stomachs and colons, cystic ovaries and wombs. Appendectomies are old-fashioned but hys­terectomies are in style.
Yet it is unjust to question the surgeon's good faith. It is unjust, and furthermore it solves nothing, to make the individual doctor the villain of the piece, be he surgeon or internist, gynecologist or any one of the dozen specialists we have today.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

impending examination

Hypothyroidism : Man, a more complex animal, does not need to confront present danger to feel fear. He may fear a hurricane many miles away as he reads the storm warnings. He may fear an employer, a teacher, the loss of his job, or an impending examination, or a war that threatens across the world. So long as the fear is justified by external circumstances, so long as there is a real threat, his fear is healthy as the animal's fear is healthy, because it prompts him to preparedness.
When the danger is over, fear disappears and the body relaxes. Heart, blood pressure, glands and nerves return to normal.
But when the danger does not exist in reality, when it dwells only in (he fantasy of the sufferer, when it does not subside with the passing of its apparent cause—then the fear is no longer healthy.

is not enough to repair the link in the body's system of defense

Hypothyroidism Issues : the natural world presents to our senses an infinite variety of detail. We know also that there are worlds beyond our own, both too great and too small to see with the unaided eye. Yet despite this labyrinthine complexity, there arises one day an Einstein whose penetrating intellect.

subjective feelings such as thirst and hunger

The fact that the mind rules the body is, in spite of its ne­glect by biology and medicine, the most fundamental fact which we know about the process of life. This fact we observe con­tinuously during all our life, from the moment when we awaken every morning. Our whole life consists in carrying out voluntary movements aimed at the realization of ideas and wishes, the satis­faction of subjective feelings such as thirst and hunger.
The body, that complicated machine, carries out the most com­plex and refined motor activities under the influence of such psy­chological phenomena as ideas and wishes. The most specifically human of all bodily functions, speech, is but the expression of ideas through a refined musical instrument, the vocal apparatus.
All our emotions we express through physiological processes: sorrow, by weeping; amusement, by laughter; and shame, by blush­ing. Ail emotions are accompanied by physiological changes: fear, by palpitation of the heart; anger, by increased heart activity, ele­vation of blood pressure, and changes in carbohydrate metabolism; despair, by a deep inspiration and expiration called sighing.
source :

Monday, August 10, 2009

passive operative mad­ness

Hospitals focused their most concentrated attention on the drama in the operating room. Even the human body cooperated, demonstrating that a man or woman could get along minus a kidney or a gall bladder, with half a stomach, one lung, or part of the sex organs. In Europe one woman was reported to have had twenty-three major abdominal operations. Furor operativus passivus—passive operative mad­ness—was the ironic name the reporting physician gave to the craze for surgery. When I was a student, a story went the rounds of the hos­pitals about a man, suffering from epilepsy, who had this plea tattooed on his belly: "Don't take out my appendix. Was taken out twice."