Wednesday, August 12, 2009

destructive drive is an ever-ready force

Hypothyroidism Treatment : the destructive drive is an ever-ready force lurking in the uncon­scious mind. When we cease to release our creative energies, when we are blocked or caught in the toils of emotional conflict—then the de­structive force can become an active threat to our health.
But if it is unconscious and inaccessible to reason, then how can the average man and woman recognize it? Is there any way to detect this danger to our health? Can we prevent illness?
Once we accept the fact that man wages war not only against others but also against himself, once we begin to look for the signs of this in­ner war, then we can find them. We can say with conviction that ill­ness does not come as a bolt out of the blue, a visitation without warn­ing. Even a heart attack sends its messages before, if we can only read them.
We moderns find these warnings difficult to read because we tend to think in mechanistic terms. We are accustomed to dials and indica­tors. For example, a man came to me recently, shaken by a friend's sudden death from a heart attack. What upset him most was that his friend had had an electrocardiogram taken only a few days before, and I he findings had been negative.
"Now we can't rely on anything!" my visitor protested.
Many of the warning signals are subjective and do not register on dials, and therefore we ignore them as a passing depression, or as hypochondria. Let the mercury in the doctor's blood-pressure machine climb, and we pay attention. But when our inner feelings warn us that ill I is not well, that we have lost our capacity for enjoying ourselves and (hat life seems hopeless, we reject these warnings too readily as insignifi­cant changes of mood. We are almost too well educated in the scientific method. If a symptom does not meet the rigid standards of science we dismiss it entirely.
But what we thus dismiss may be an inner perception of danger. Why, for example, did this man's friend go to have an electrocardiogram i.iken? Had he perhaps caught the whisper of his will to live being at­tacked? Most of our actions are instigated by some inner motive.


  1. Lately a great number of new "happy" pills have been produced by a nourishing pharmaceutical industry, all of which promise a cure or at least an amelioration of the disturbing, and at times paralyzing, effect depressions have.

  2. Anxiety and depression, alone or mixed, are destructive states, for they deprive us of our joy in living. They constrict our productive powers. They are a threat to health.

  3. that of gynecological examination and observation, he had arrived at virtually the same conclusion.
    In our patient's story, not only the growth which required surgery but the entire medical picture suggested that she had an emotional diffi­culty which was brought out by her marriage. Her illness had begun with marriage; until then she had been well. Obviously we needed to know more about her in relation to her home life and her husband.

  4. Hypothyroidism: Most useful for pregnant women yoga, pilates and aqua-aerobics

  5. Yeast Infection : Indication of a healthy person - smooth, one-color glossy nails with a pink tinge. For the sake of interest should include a few facts about these protein wafers
