The fact that the mind rules the body is, in spite of its neglect by biology and medicine, the most fundamental fact which we know about the process of life. This fact we observe continuously during all our life, from the moment when we awaken every morning. Our whole life consists in carrying out voluntary movements aimed at the realization of ideas and wishes, the satisfaction of subjective feelings such as thirst and hunger.
The body, that complicated machine, carries out the most complex and refined motor activities under the influence of such psychological phenomena as ideas and wishes. The most specifically human of all bodily functions, speech, is but the expression of ideas through a refined musical instrument, the vocal apparatus.
All our emotions we express through physiological processes: sorrow, by weeping; amusement, by laughter; and shame, by blushing. Ail emotions are accompanied by physiological changes: fear, by palpitation of the heart; anger, by increased heart activity, elevation of blood pressure, and changes in carbohydrate metabolism; despair, by a deep inspiration and expiration called sighing.
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Giving a due credit
In November, 1985 100 years from the date of N.N.Anichkova's birth were
executed. The Scientific community of all world has celebrated this date
and on adv...
The patient took the pen. He hesitated, and one could see evidence of a rising resentment against the doctor's relentless pressure. He began to write. He used force, bearing down on the pen. His face flushed. Again he hesitated, evaluating the distorted letters of the single line he had scrawled. Once more he tried, but in the middle of a frustrated upstroke and with a damning mumble he flung down the pen. Thus ended this examination.
ReplyDeleteWhen, a few nights later, he complained of a pain in the right side of his chest, I called in a cardiologist. The doctor found heart and circulatory system in "excellent condition," and blood pressure well down to normal. He shared the opinion that the patient was suffering a spastic disturbance, and agreed that the prognosis would have been very favorable if there had not been a recurrence of the initial spastic attack.
ReplyDeleteThe patient now sank into a deep depression. During the days which followed the nurse frequently surprised him in the act of testing his writing when he believed he was unobserved. The first neurologist now took a serious view of the situation. The paralysis in the facial nerve remained unchanged, and though the patient's speech had worsened into ;i completely inarticulate mumble, his bodily functions remained for a while in good order.
ReplyDeleteHypothyroidism: 2006 in our region have been officially registered about 23 thousand cases of diffuse goiter, a year - already 25 thousand, and in the last year - almost 27. There is a large number of inflammatory diseases of the thyroid gland, called thyroiditis.
ReplyDeleteYeast Infection : Admission antipyretic in adults does not depend on the height of temperature, but on the general condition. If you can easily carry the fever, do not rush to the reception fever-reducing drugs.