Monday, August 17, 2009

method of treatment for hypothyroidism

The first method of treatment of Graves disease - Graves - therapy drugs, the overwhelming feature thyroid problems. Apply it with a slight increase over a half or two years. If, after the abolition of drug levels of hormones is restored, you will only occasionally checked in endocrinology. If the disease did not retreat, need an operation to remove thyroid problems (left only two small strips on the sides), as well as in the case of nodular goiter, which units - a tumor on schitovidke - more than 3 cm, or if the iron is increased uniformly, but strongly . If the level of hormones to recover or be below the norm, you will either leave or appoint replacement therapy.

But after the operation may return the disease. Then the remnants of gland handled radioactive iodine to destroy them completely.