Monday, August 17, 2009

characteristic of the disease breast cancer?

- The most common disease - it mastopathy - diffuse and nodes, which occurs in women aged 30-50 years, fibroadenoma. There are vnutriprotokovye papillomavirus, which are the indication for surgical treatment, as reborn in cancer. In addition, common diseases include mastitis. It happens not only in lactating women, you may receive from the draft, hypothermia. By diseases include breast cancer and mastitopodobnaya. Finally, the worst disease - breast cancer.

- How often a disease?

- When good mastopathy main complaint - that the pain, she leads a woman to receive a doctor. But while breast cancer does not hurt. Attention should be given to changing the color on a small section of the breast - redness or lividity, asymmetries, change the size of one of the glands, occurring in a short period of time - 2-3 months. Signs of the disease is a deformation of gland, presence of bulging or indrawing in a limited area, changing the shape space indrawing or reject the nipple, the pitting, the emergence of a small nodule in the gland, close to the touch, more smooth, with uneven surface and the gradual transition into the surrounding tissue of the gland , seal in the form of lemon peel, blood separated from the nipple.


  1. Hypothyroidism: Magnetic resonance imaging is a safe method of diagnosis, is not accompanied by pain and allows you to monitor the disease dynamics. Tomography, additional workstations and archiving system, located in MKDTS meet the modern requirements of clinicians, provide maximum information content and allow you to select the optimal method of treatment of disease

  2. Yeast Infection : By trifles nails do not break and did not sloyatsya. Faced with this problem, you need to pay attention to food. Most often, it concerns women who want to keep your nails healthy and lose weight by refusing to many useful products.
